Rackspace Rackers give back to SAMMinistries

SAMM_4More than 100 Rackspace volunteers started their morning early at SAMMinistries‘ Transitional Living and Learning Center. By 10:00am, the volunteers had already painted the outside perimeter of the center, and by noon six dump truck loads of mulch had been spread.


“Thank you for giving the Rackspace CFO Group an opportunity to give back to such an amazing cause,” the Rackspace team said after completing their work. “A lot of sweat was involved but it was completely worth it. What a great experience.”


We are so grateful to have had this Rackspace team volunteer for a second year at the Transtional Living and Learning Center. We look forward to hosting more groups from throughout San Antonio.


SAMM welcomes volunteer groups of all sizes. We are ready and willing to plan volunteer opportunities during business hours or in the evening for groups of any size. Email volunteer@samm.org to setup your team-building activity today.