Free Digital Summit for business owners

SA Express News logoThe San Antonio Express-News and Hearst Media Services offer FREE hour-long seminars to help teach business owners how to build their brand, target consumers and acquire new customers through multimedia advertising.

Our team of digital and print experts work with attendees to understand their customers, recommend ways to reach them and explain the products and services that work best for their industries.

Seminars are held at the San Antonio Express-News, first-floor conference room, 301 Ave. E.

Future topics include:

  • Nov. 20 – “Search Engine Advertising (SEM/SEO) Fundamentals”
  • Dec. 11 – “The Power of Social Media: Building a Relationship With Your Customers”
  • Jan. 22 – “Offline and Online Media Combined: Balancing Your Media Spend to Gain Maximum Exposure”

Registration is available at