Commercial real estate in San Antonio is bustling. Demand has steadily increased, inventory has tightened, and the prospects for the future are bright. And, as builders speed ahead to provide San Antonio with the additional commercial space it needs, our Stewart Title® Commercial Services experts and underwriters are in place to ensure a smooth ride.
Title services are typically provided behind the scenes, but are an extremely critical component of commercial transactions. Title insurance protects real estate owners and lenders against any property loss or damage they might experience because of liens, encumbrances or defects in the title to the property. We find that over half of all real estate transactions have a problem somewhere in the chain of title, and assist in taking corrective action to enable the transactions to go through and allow our customers to have peace of mind. Imagine the financial repercussions of constructing a state-of-the-art warehouse that encroaches on property owned by another party. Having meticulous research and agents experienced in industry practices and potential pitfalls can truly make or break a deal.
Professionals at Stewart Title Commercial Services have been serving the commercial market for decades. Our team is designed to provide personalized service and simplicity. We offer a single point of contact for all transaction issues from concept to closing. So although there is one person responsible for the entire transaction for each Stewart client, they have access to support from Stewart’s vast global network to navigate the most complex issues as they work to provide title information, settlement solutions and underwriting for multistate, multisite and multinational transactions.
Having spent most of my career in the commercial real estate industry here in San Antonio, I’m extremely proud to see the growth here and to be a part of it. And, on behalf of Stewart Title Commercial Services, we are here to help support your next commercial transaction and ensure you’re building on a solid foundation.
Thomas Newburn
Business Development Officer
Stewart Title Commercial Services
For more information, visit
or email Tom Newburn at
call / text him at 713.410.1099 Cell
713.625.8000 Main
1980 Post Oak Blvd. Suite 610
Houston, Texas 77056