Family Service has once again partnered with the City of San Antonio to provide youth an opportunity to work, save, learn and grow through the summer Youth Career Opportunity program. “While families are struggling to make ends meet and one in three youth drop-out of school, this program allows youth to gain valuable work experience and develop healthy saving habits to ensure they are prepared for the future” Family Service President/CEO said.
Family Service will match nearly 200 youth, ages 14 to 16 with local participating high demand work sites to earn $7.25 per hour / 20 hours per week through this job readiness training program. Youth are required to save 10% of their earnings and may withdraw the funds in time to purchase back to school supplies and other items they may need for the school year. Youth that have participated in this program have stated their eagerness to use a portion of the income they earned to help ease their parents’ financial burden.
Youth who apply undergo a thorough process comprised of applications, interviews, and trainings that include financial literacy, conflict resolution in the workplace and more in order to be accepted into the program. Local work sites interested in hosting a youth from June 23 to August 9 are encouraged to call Family Service to learn more about the benefits to their business and how they will help build future leaders.