October 7, 2020 | Governor Abbott Issues Executive Order To Open Bars In Qualifying Counties in Texas
Governor Greg Abbott today issued an Executive Order to open bars and similar establishments at up to 50% capacity in conjunction with county officials. In hospital regions with low COVID-19 hospitalizations, County Judges will be able to opt their county into opening bars beginning October 14th, provided they assist in enforcing health protocols. The Governor’s Executive Order also increases the occupancy levels for all business establishments other than bars to 75%. Read More.
Governor Abbott Issues Statement Of Support For Senator John Cornyn’s ‘Eliminate The Digital Divide Act’ Broadband Legislation
“At a time when high-speed internet is increasingly important to Texans’ daily lives, it is essential that we continue to expand broadband access throughout the state,” said Governor Abbott. “Senator Cornyn’s ‘Eliminate the Digital Divide Act’ offers a strategic path forward to bridge the broadband gap and improve access to high-speed internet for all Texans, especially those in rural or underserved communities. This legislation will support local economies, boost student learning, spur workforce creation, and provide more opportunities for all Texans.” Read More
View the Governor’s Executive Order related to expanded capacity of certain services.
View the Governor’s Executive Order related to hospital capacity.
August 24 | TABC enacts emergency changes to FB License requirements to help businesses on the verge of permanent closure
The Texas Restaurant Association continues to work closely with TABC and the Governor’s office to safely reopen Texas. TABC adopted emergency amendments to the rules that define who may operate with a food and beverage certificate. Governor Abbott’s executive order, will allow more businesses to reopen during the COVID-19 recovery.
Specifically, the emergency amendments:
- Removed the commercial cooking equipment requirement,
- Allows businesses to bring in and count commercially pre-packaged food items, and
- Allows businesses to partner with food trucks and include food truck sales towards their 51% calculation.
These amendments are effective today. Businesses looking to take advantage of this change should follow TABC’s guidelines here in order to reopen.
It is imperative that any business reopening under TABC’s guidelines follow all COVID-19 restaurant protocols. It’s only by working together as an industry with our customers, employees, and elected officials, that we’ll be able to continue our critical reopening efforts, keep people safe, and rebuild our economy.
August 24 | Governor Abbott Statement On Federal Approval For Lost Wages Assistance Funds
AUSTIN – Governor Greg Abbott today issued a statement after the federal government approved nearly $1.4 billion in initial funds made available through President Trump’s Lost Wage Assistance Executive Order. This funding will provide an additional $300 per week in benefits for qualifying Texans receiving unemployment benefits. The Texas Workforce Commission applied for these funds earlier this week.
“I thank the Trump administration for swiftly granting these funds to help Texans who have lost their jobs due to the COVID-19 pandemic,” said Governor Abbott. “These funds will help Texans in need support their families as we work to revitalize the economy and get Texans back to work.”
July 31, 2020 | Governor Abbott, Lt. Governor Patrick, Speaker Bonnen, Chairman Taylor, Chairman Huberty Release Statement On School Re-Openings
Governor Greg Abbott, Lieutenant Governor Dan Patrick, Speaker Dennis Bonnen, Senate Education Chairman Larry Taylor, and House Education Chairman Dan Huberty released the following statement on school re-openings this fall:
“The Texas Education Agency’s (TEA) guidance for opening public schools in Texas for the 2020-21 school year remains the same as announced two weeks ago. This guidance followed a letter issued jointly by the Governor, Lieutenant Governor, Speaker, and Chairs of the Senate and House Education Committees.
“The top priority is protecting the safety and health of students, teachers, staff, and families. To achieve that goal, the TEA provided local school boards the flexibility they need to open schools in ways that ensure public safety while also providing the best education options for students during this challenging school year.
“The TEA guidance applies long-standing state law and Executive Orders to conclude that the authority to make decisions about when and how schools safely open rests with the constitutionally and statutorily established local school boards.
“The authority to decide when the school year will begin lies with local school boards. They can choose dates in August, September, or even later. But, whenever the local school board chooses to open, the board must comply with the requirement to provide the necessary number of days and hours of instruction for students. Read More.
July 27 | Governor Extends Early Voting Period For Nov. 3 Election
Governor Greg Abbott issued a Proclamation extending the early voting period for the November 3rd Election by nearly a week. In-person early voting will begin on Tuesday, October 13, and continue through Friday, October 30. The proclamation also expands the period in which marked mail-in ballots may be delivered in person to the early voting clerk’s office, allowing such delivery prior to as well as on Election Day. Read More.
July 28 | AG Paxton Issues Legal Guidance on School Reopening
Attorney General Ken Paxton issued guidance on the opening of local schools, during the ongoing COVID-19 pandemic.
“While playing an important role in protecting the health of school children and employees, local health authorities “may not issue sweeping orders closing schools for the sole purpose of preventing future COVID-19 infections.” Read More.
July 2, 2020 | Governor Abbott Establishes Statewide Face Covering Requirement & Issues Proclamation To Limit Gatherings
Governor Greg Abbott today issued an Executive Order requiring all Texans to wear a face-covering over the nose and mouth in public spaces in counties with 20 or more positive COVID-19 cases, with few exceptions. The Governor also issued a proclamation giving mayors and county judges the ability to impose restrictions on some outdoor gatherings of over 10 people, and making it mandatory that, with certain exceptions, people cannot be in groups larger than ten and must maintain six feet of social distancing from others.
“Wearing a face covering in public is proven to be one of the most effective ways we have to slow the spread of COVID-19,” said Governor Abbott. “We have the ability to keep businesses open and move our economy forward so that Texans can continue to earn a paycheck, but it requires each of us to do our part to protect one another—and that means wearing a face covering in public spaces. Likewise, large gatherings are a clear contributor to the rise in COVID-19 cases. Restricting the size of groups gatherings will strengthen Texas’ ability to corral this virus and keep Texans safe. We all have a responsibility to slow the spread of COVID-19 and keep our communities safe. If Texans commit to wearing face coverings in public spaces and follow the best health and safety practices, we can both slow the spread of COVID-19 and keep Texas open for business. I urge all Texans to wear a face covering in public, not just for their own health, but for the health of their families, friends, and for all our fellow Texans.”
Additionally, the Governor released a new video message to coincide with his Executive Order, encouraging Texans to do their part to mitigate the spread of COVID-19 and keep their communities safe. The video can be downloaded at this link and can also be viewed on YouTube.
View the Governor’s Executive Order. | View the Governor’s Proclamation.
Governor Abbott Extends Disaster Declaration
WHEREAS, I, Greg Abbott, Governor of Texas, issued a disaster proclamation on May 31, 2020, certifying under Section 418.014 of the Texas Government Code that the threats and incidents of violence starting on May 29, 2020, which have endangered public safety, constitute and pose an imminent threat of disaster for all counties in the State of Texas; and
WHEREAS, these events have caused or imminently threatened widespread or severe damage, injury, and property loss, among other harms, at a time when the State of Texas is responding to the novel coronavirus (COVID-19) disaster; and
WHEREAS, while all Americans are entitled to exercise their First Amendment rights, it is imperative that order is maintained, all persons are kept safe and healthy, and property is protected; and
WHEREAS, peaceful protestors, many of whom are responding to the senseless taking of life by the reprehensible actions of a few, should themselves be protected from harm; and
WHEREAS, the declaration of a state of disaster has facilitated and expedited the use and deployment of resources to enhance preparedness and response to the ongoing threats, including by ensuring that federal law enforcement officers can fully assist with the efforts; and
WHEREAS, a state of disaster continues to exist in all counties due to threats of widespread or severe damage, injury, and property loss, among other harms;
NOW, THEREFORE, in accordance with the authority vested in me by Section 418.014 of the Texas Government Code, I do hereby renew the disaster proclamation for all counties in Texas.
Pursuant to Section 418.017, I authorize the use of all available resources of state government and of political subdivisions that are reasonably necessary to cope with this disaster.
Pursuant to Section 418.016(a), I hereby continue the suspension of all relevant provisions within Chapter 1701 of the Texas Occupations Code, as well as Title 37, Chapters 211-229 of the Texas Administrative Code, to the extent necessary for the Texas Commission on Law Enforcement to allow federal law enforcement officers to perform peace officer duties in Texas. Additionally, pursuant to Section 418.016, any regulatory statute prescribing the procedures for conduct of state business or any order or rule of a state agency that would in any way prevent, hinder, or delay necessary action in coping with this disaster shall be suspended upon written approval of the Office of the Governor. However, to the extent that the enforcement of any state statute or administrative rule regarding contracting or procurement would impede any state agency’s emergency response that is necessary to cope with this declared disaster, I hereby suspend such statutes and rules for the duration of this declared disaster for that limited purpose.
In accordance with the statutory requirements, copies of this proclamation shall be filed with the applicable authorities.
IN TESTIMONY WHEREOF, I have hereunto signed my name and have officially caused the Seal of State to be affixed at my office in the City of Austin, Texas, this the 30th day of June, 2020.
Governor Greg Abbott
Governor Abbott’s Executive Order GA-23, is effective immediately and will continue through June 3, 2020. Guidance and protocols for businesses to open can be found at Open Texas.
Starting Immediately except for Deaf Smith, El Paso, Moore, Potter and Randall Counties:
• Massage establishments and others licensed under Chapter 455 of the Texas Occupations Code may operate but must maintain at least six feet of social distancing.
• Personal-care and beauty services not already open may operate but must maintain at least six feet of social distancing between work stations. These include: Tattoo studios, piercing studios, hair removal services and hair loss treatment and growth services; Child-care services other than youth camps
Starting Friday, May 22, 2020, except for Deaf Smith, El Paso, Moore, Potter and Randall Counties:
• Dine-in restaurants at 50% occupancy (50% does not include outdoor seating, where 6 feet of separation must be maintained, or employees)
• Bars and similar establishments, such as wineries and breweries, may operate at 25% capacity
• Aquariums, natural caverns and similar facilities may operate at 25% occupancy
• Bowling alleys, bingo halls, simulcast racing to the extent allowed by law, and skating rinks may operate at 25% capacity
• Rodeos and equestrian at 25% occupancy (this does not allow for county fairs or large social gatherings)
• Drive-in concerts provided that participants remain in their own vehicles
• Amateur sporting events which provide no access to the general public and all participants have tested negative for COVID-19 prior to the event
Starting Friday, May 29, 2020 for Deaf Smith, El Paso, Moore, Potter, and Randall Counties:
• Massage establishments and others licensed under Chapter 455 of the Texas Occupations Code may operate but must maintain at least six feet of social distancing.
• Personal-care and beauty services not already open may operate but must maintain at least six feet of social distancing between work stations. These include:
o Tattoo studios, piercing studios, hair removal services and hair loss treatment and growth services
• Child-care services other than youth camps
• Dine-in restaurants at 50% occupancy (50% does not include outdoor seating, where 6 feet of separation must be maintained, or employees)
• Bars and similar establishments, such as wineries and breweries, may operate at 25% capacity
• Aquariums, natural caverns and similar facilities may operate at 25% occupancy
• Bowling alleys, bingo halls, simulcast racing to the extent allowed by law, and skating rinks may operate at 25% capacity
• Rodeos and equestrian events at 25% capacity (this does not allow for county fairs or large social gatherings)
• Drive-in concerts provided that participants remain in their own vehicles
• Amateur sporting events which provide no access to the general public and all participants have tested negative for COVID-19 prior to the event
Starting Friday, May 29, 2020 for all Texas Counties:
• Outdoor areas of zoos may operate up to 25% capacity. All indoor areas of the zoo, except for restrooms, are to remain closed.
Starting Sunday, May 31, 2020 for all Texas Counties:
• Certain professional sporting events with no spectators physical present on the premises and as approved by DSHS
• Youth camps and summer camps, including both daytime and overnight
• Youth sports programs may begin practices but games and competitions may not begin until June 15, 2020.
Counties with five or fewer active case counts can file proper attestation forms with DSHS to allow for occupancy limits to be 50% instead of the listed 25%.
Texans are asked to avoid interactive amusement venues (including amusement parks and water parks) at this time. Texans are also still asked to not visit nursing homes, state supported living centers, assisted living facilities, and long-term care facilities at this time.
Information about Schools and Education:
• All public schools should follow guidance as set forth by TEA and found on the TEA website
• Schools may conduct graduation ceremonies as set forth by TEA and found on the TEA website
Starting June 1, 2020 Public School Districts may:
• Allow students to access the campus for in person classroom instruction such as summer school, special education, specialized assessments and tutoring services.
• Public education teachers are encouraged to continue to work remotely from home if possible
Private schools and institutions of higher education may reopen campuses and are encouraged to establish similar standards to allow students, teachers, and staff to return to campus for limited purpose.
March 31, 2020 Executive Order | “Governor Greg Abbott issued an Executive Order implementing Essential Services and Activities Protocols for the entire state of Texas.
The order directs all Texans to minimize non-essential gatherings and in-person contact with people who are not in the same household and renews and amends his previous order enforcing federal social distancing guidelines, including closing schools and instructing Texans to avoid eating or drinking at bars and restaurants; allowing for essential activities and services based on the Department of Homeland Security’s guidelines on the Essential Critical Infrastructure Workforce.
Go to TDEM’s COVID-19 website for a list of Essential Services. Orders will be effective statewide starting at 12:01 AM on April 2, 2020 through April 30, 2020.
Press Release: Status of Coronavirus (COVID-19) in Texas
Governor Declares State Of Disaster For All Texas Counties