Leadership Lab Application Information

The North Chamber is seeking a diverse group of bright and dedicated individuals to participate in the Leadership Lab course. Interested individuals must complete an application and submit it by the specified deadline. Applicants will be selected for participation by Leadership Lab alumni.

Leadership Lab Program Brochure |  | Leadership Lab 2023 Program & Calendar

Leadership Lab Participant Expectations

In order to help properly establish expectations and commitment levels needed for success, below is an outline of how to prepare for a truly rewarding Leadership Lab experience.

Commitment to be prepared and to participate during each session:
Pre-work and assignments outside of the Lab class is kept to a minimum as we understand all Lab participants are working professionals. However, this is about your personal and professional development so there will be several team assignments throughout the year and it is necessary and expected that all class members fully participate. Your Career Strategy will also require planning and discussion with a performance consultant who will provide professional guidance and input.
You can expect to spend, on average, 3 hours per month outside of session time on these activities. We guarantee you this is time well spent.
Because the learning environment includes unique perspectives and idea sharing, all participants are expected to participate in the class discussions during the sessions.

Commitment of professional conduct:
It goes without saying that the Lab environment is professional and respectful as are its participants. Lab members should set a personal example by committing to do the best job possible and to create an environment that nurtures innovation and a willingness to be open to new ideas.
Here is the professionalism that is expected and should be practiced:

  • Arrive on time and stay until the session is adjourned.
  • Put away all cell phones, tablets, and laptops as they are strictly prohibited during the session. They are a distraction even if being used discretely or for note taking. You may use any of your devices during lunch and the scheduled breaks. Note paper is also available for use.
  • Actively participate. Please show respect for other Lab participants, professional presenters, and the Lab Steering Committee by paying attention, participating, challenging ideas, brainstorming, and sharing personal experiences. This requires an environment of mutual respect in discussions and decision making. You are expected to disagree with others without being disagreeable.
  • Promptly return to your table at the end of breaks and lunch. Help us to stay on track and to be respectful of presenters’ time.
  • Respond timely to requests from the Chamber, Steering Committee, and Lab team mates. Participants shall RSVP to all sessions, including graduation, and notify the Chamber of any changes. If you need to leave any of the sessions early or will not be in attendance, please inform Kathy Lee at klee@northsachamber.com (210)344-4848 in advance or as soon as possible.
  • Complete evaluation forms for each session. Your feedback is valued and necessary in order to maintain the high quality of sessions provided. We request you to honestly complete all session evaluation forms. This information IS used in planning future sessions.
  • Manage your time and plan ahead. You will receive the greatest benefit when you promptly complete assignments, review the upcoming session material and allocate sufficient time to your self-development when working your Career Strategy. We encourage you to share with others that you are in Leadership Lab and ask for their support in helping you allocate the time and coverage necessary so your participation is uninterrupted.

Commitment to be responsible for your own learning and development, including networking:
The Lab provides a rich exposure to people, ideas, strategic thinking, organizations, academia, and business and community resources. However, any immediate or lasting benefits derived by the individual will only be obtained if and when the Lab participant searches out useful experiences with his or her own learning desires.
The Chamber and Steering Committee will present numerous opportunities for you to meet everyone in your Lab class, as well as other Alumni and presenters. You are responsible for developing the relationships – which is what networking is all about. You can oftentimes learn the most from the people you think you have the least in common with. Don’t try to network with people only in your industry or job function. Lab is a time to experiment outside of your work environment and your experiences will remain confidential. (Note: Attending “after hour” gatherings after the Lab sessions is highly recommended, but entirely voluntary.) 

Commitment to attend ALL of the scheduled sessions and activities:
The list of the primary sessions and activities participants can expect this year are listed below.

Program Timeline

  • Application due by January 31
    Selection February 1 -3
    Orientation February 21
    Retreat – Mandatory March 7 – 8
    Monthly Sessions April – November
    Graduation Ceremony November
  • Please discuss this attendance requirement with your immediate supervisor so they realize you will be offsite and unavailable for meetings or conference calls during this time.
  • Please book these dates on your calendar now to prevent conflicts.

Application Form


Business/ Career

Wendy Parker, a 2017 Leadership Lab graduate, served on the LLAB Alumni Board from 2018 to 2023, holding roles like Vice-President, President, Secretary, and Communications Chair. In recognition of her dedication and service to the North San Antonio Chamber of Commerce, the LLAB Alumni Board has established the Wendy Parker Memorial Scholarship. This scholarship honors individuals who reflect Wendy's core values, such as compassion, optimism, mentorship, tolerance, and service. Applicants to Leadership Lab must write an essay on Servant and Value-Based Leadership, and the board will assess them based on their alignment with Wendy's core values.

Wendy Parker, a 2017 Leadership Lab graduate, served on the LLAB Alumni Board from 2018 to 2023, holding roles like Vice-President, President, Secretary, and Communications Chair. In recognition of her dedication and service to the North San Antonio Chamber of Commerce, the LLAB Alumni Board has established the Wendy Parker Memorial Scholarship. This scholarship honors individuals who reflect Wendy's core values, such as compassion, optimism, mentorship, tolerance, and service. Applicants to Leadership Lab must write an essay on Servant and Value-Based Leadership, and the board will assess them based on their alignment with Wendy's core values.

*By completing this form you are acknowledging that you read the commitments of the class and reviewed with your supervisor.

Price: $2,300.00

Apply in October/November receive Early Bird special pricing $2,100.00
December/January $2,300.00
February Late Registration $2,400.00

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