North SA Chamber COVID-19 Member Survey In order to better serve our members during this difficult time, we would like your insight regarding COVID-19 and how it may be affecting your business. Please enable JavaScript in your browser to complete this form. Type of business: Financial Services Health Tourism/Hospitality Manufacturing Technology Retail Energy Reality Construction/Engineering Other Other Number of Full-time Employees Number of Part-time Employees If your business operations are being impacted, please tell us how. Check all that apply. Supply chain interrupted/being interrupted The market is causing our company to draw on our line of credit We are starting to restrict spending because of uncertainty It is causing us to make operational changes/change the way we conduct business We are considering employee layoffs Market uncertainty is likely to have a negative impact on our business Other Other As concerns grow over the spread of COVID-19, what, if anything is your company doing to address the issue? Check all that apply. Nothing, we are conducting business as usual Routinely sharing updates with employees Purchasing additional sanitizer for staff Encouraging more frequent cleaning of work spaces and common areas Restricting employee travel Restricting employee attendance at large meetings, conferences, events Discussing paid time off and sick leave policies Rethinking or canceling your own workplace activities, meetings, events Allowing some employees to work remotely Mandating some employees to work remotely Does your company have specific needs in terms of supplies, financing, other special assistance? (Please specify) Please let us know who is completing the survey to reach you if/when we can help! (Optional) Name First Last Company Name Email Email Confirm Email Work Phone Number Website Submit